Safe Food For Canadians Regulations


 Preventive Control Plan – 1 day (WORKSHOP) - (AFPA in partnership with Food Safety Solutions)

The CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) has implemented regulations that require most food businesses in Canada to have preventive food safety controls in place to address areas of concern. A PCP (Preventative Control Plan) goes even further by detailing how your business meets the food safety controls in a written document.

Preventive control measures are an internationally accepted approach to prevent or mitigate hazards associated with food products. They are based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) process.

To prepare for this change included in the Safe Food for Canadians Act, we are offering a full day workshop designed to cover a basic review of the fundamental principles of PCP Development, as well as hands on activities designed to give attendees the opportunity to begin to develop their own HACCP plan.

Prerequisite: An understanding of HACCP principles is required for all participants. Introductory prerequisite program/HACCP training is recommended prior to attending this workshop.

The target market for this workshop is business owners, quality and food safety personnel who wish to fulfill the CFIA requirement for a documented food safety plan.